Monday, November 16, 2020

Ф4 Ultra-high Vacuum Scanning Kelvin Probe

The Ф4 Ultra-high Vacuum Scanning Kelvin Probe system gives the user full access to work function measurements under vacuum with the ability to alter the temperature from 77 K to 860 K. The Kelvin probe measurement has resolution of 1 - 3 meV for a 2 mm tip on a conducting sample. The sample is mounted on a plate that is located on a motorized (x, y, z) translator attached to a stainless steel vacuum chamber. Phi 4 also comes with a photoemission spectroscopy system with a tunable source (3.4 - 7.0 eV). The deep ultra-violet (DUV) light spot measures approximately 3 x 4 mm. Absolute work function measurements can be obtained with this system in the range of 4.0 - 6.5 eV with an accuracy of 0.05 - 0.1 eV.

The system can be upgraded with surface photovoltage spectroscopy through utilizing other ports in the system chamber. Liquid nitrogen is used as the method of cooling the sample and heating is achieved by controllable direct current. Nitrogen gas is used to displace the oxygen to facilitate the use of the photoemission system source. An optical breadboard is used to support the chamber and standard power is required for operation.

Φ4: Scanning, ambient pressure photoemission spectroscopy, surface photovoltage
and surface photovoltage spectroscopy capabilities

Friday, October 9, 2020

Black Holes Matter

Congratulations to this trio for winning the 2020 Physics Nobel:

Roger Penrose for linking black hole formation to relativity; Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez for discovery of supermassive object.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Radiation detection for Gamma Spectroscopy and/or Neutron-Gamma Discrimination

i-Spector is an innovative product by CAEN, designed to operate as full-featured radiation detection systems for Gamma Spectroscopy and/or Neutron-Gamma Discrimination. Its profile makes this unit ideal for many portable applications where size, weight and power consumption are important constraints. Depending on the selected model, the i-Spector is suitable for a wide range of applications:
  • PMT replacement in physics experiment
  • Laboratory R&D on SiPM technology
  • Portable Gamma-Spectroscopy Industrial process monitoring
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Handheld border control against illicit traffic of radioactive material
  • Neutron detection experiments
  • Vehicle/personnel check-point portals
i-Spector is an all-in-one detector and electronics instrument based on a SiPM area (18×18 mm2, 24×24 mm2 or 30×30 mm2), possibly coupled to a scintillation crystal suitable for the chosen application. The i-Spector integrates in a compact tube-like mechanics the detection stage, frontend electronics, an integrated power supply for SiPM biasing and, eventually, a digital chain to process onboard the incoming data. The i-Spector can be controlled via Ethernet and/or wireless communication based on LoRa standard.

A web-based GUI allows the user to set the acquisition parameters, see results on plot and perform basic data analysis.

Multiple i-Spector tubes can be connected and controlled from a single PC. The API interface allows to control multiple devices using very simple HTTP requests and JSON vectors. A cloud-based software (Rad Cloud – FREE TRIAL) allows to build a network of i-Spector units, collecting data from the detectors and displaying them on maps or interactive tables.

i-Spector is available as OEM electronics, to encourage integration in more complex detection systems, or in ASSEMBLY version, with a suitable scintillation crystal coupled to the SiPM area. The standard assembly is available with CsI for Gamma Spectroscopy and EJ-276 for Gamma-Neutron Discrimination. Other crystals can be mounted on request. The ASSEMBLY unit is enclosed in a light-tight aluminum/plastic tube ( Ø 60 mm, h 135 mm ), with the possibility to unmount the crystal holder and easily change it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

2019 Nobel Prize in Physics

This has been an exciting week for the Swiss scientific community with the awarding of the 2019 Nobel Prize for Physics to James Peebles, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz. Swiss physicists Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, University of Geneva, were awarded the prize for discovering the first exoplanet orbiting a sun-like star back in 1995. Peebles baged half the prize for “theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology”.

Exoplanets, or extra solar planets, are planets beyond our solar system. This 4 minutes National Geographic video explains their discovery and significance.

In 1995, Professor Michel Mayor and his doctoral student Didier Queloz discovered 51 Pegasi B, a planet orbiting a sun-like star beyond our solar system. Their discovery created great interest in the field and research since then has led to the discovery of around 4,000 exoplanets, some of which might support life. Proxima Centauri b, the closest potentially habitable exoplanet, is 40 trillion km (4.2 light years) from earth.

A 4th physicist, John Goodenough, shared the Chemistry award with Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino for the development of lithium-ion batteries.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Build your Muons telescope!


New Educational Kit

Cosmic Hunter is a new educational tool through which CAEN expects to inspire young students and guide them towards the analysis and comprehension of cosmic rays.
Cosmic Hunter, Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) based, is composed of one detection - coincidence unit together with up to three plastic scintillating tiles.
Muons detection, flux estimation, shower detection and more are allowed thanks to a flexible system geometry.
  • Cosmic muons detection
  • Coincidence (single, double and triple)
  • Zenit angle dependence of the muon flux
  • Cosmic shower detection
  • Based on SiPM detectors and plastic scintillating tiles.
  • Up to 3 scintillating tiles management
  • Flexible system geometry
  • No need of software interface
  • Embedded E-Ink Display
  • SD card to download data
For more information:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Experiment to Detect Dark Energy Turns Up Nothing

Imperial College London scientists tested a proposed model of the missing dark energy force in which it acts inversely from gravity — powerful in a vacuum and nearly undetectable in the presence of a lot of matter.

The accelerated expansion of the universe motivates a wide class of scalar field theories that modify general relativity (GR) on large scales. Such theories require a screening mechanism to suppress the new force in regions where the weak field limit of GR has been experimentally tested. The scientists used atom interferometry to measure the acceleration of an atom toward a macroscopic test mass inside a high vacuum chamber, where new forces can be unscreened. The measurement show no evidence of new forces, a result that places stringent bounds on chameleon and symmetron theories of modified gravity.

Click for more

Friday, June 7, 2019

XENON Dark Matter Project

Dark-matter detector observes exotic nuclear decay
CAEN and the XENON Collaboration have been pioneers in the fully Digital Data Acquisition and Pulse Processing for Dark Matter research. A longstanding, prolific collaboration that keeps on delivering important science results and is ready for future challenges.

What is XENON1T Experiment
XENON experiment is a 3500kg liquid xenon detector to search for the elusive Dark Matter – construction of the next phase, XENON1T, started in Hall B of the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in 2014. The detector contains 3.5 tons of ultra radio-pure liquid Xenon, and has a fiducial volume of about 2 tons. The detector is housed in a 10 m water tank that serves as a muon veto. The TPC is 1 m in diameter and 1 m in height. The predicted sensitivity at 50 GeV/c2 is 2.0×10−47 cm2. This is 100x lower than the current limit published for XENON100.

CAEN V1724 14 bit ADCs with 100 MHz sampling frequency and 40 MHz input bandwidth were used in XENON100 and used again in XENON1T but in this later stage the system has been upgraded to handle a larger amount of data. This lead to a rather short development time since old systems and software (also for data storage and data processing) can be largely re-used.

In XENON100, CAEN increased the maximum DAQ rate by more than one order of magnitude compared to XENON10 – although the drift length was doubled and the number of channels increased by a factor 2.7 – by using an online data reduction technique developed in cooperation with CAEN. This FPGA based method is basically rejecting all baseline between peaks and reduces the amount of data to be transferred and stored dramatically. However, the algorithm is still very simple. In cooperation with CAEN, we will exploit all possibilities to reduce the data size even further.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Argentinosaurus Collider

We know that 5% of the Universe is directly observable. The Standard Model of Particle Physics describes it precisely. But what about the remaining 95%? 

No, Argentinosaurus Collider is not CERN's official name for the Future Circular Collider, just a nickname I've given it in view of its 100 km circumference and the ancient world's biggest dinosaur, the 100-ton Argentinosaurus (or "Argentine lizard") which lived on our planet almost 100 million years ago!

The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC was a milestone for particle physics. In a nutshell, it completed the Standard Model of Particle Physics, which describes the matter that forms the world around us. Yet many questions about our Universe remain unanswered. Is there more matter in the Universe than what is visible? What is dark matter made of? What happened to antimatter after the Big Bang? Are there extra dimensions in the Universe and, if so, can we explore them? To get answers and find out more about our Universe, scientists have to carry out experiments in more powerful particle accelerators. The higher energy frontier will expand our horizons and may shed light to the missing pieces of the puzzle of Nature.

Visit these websites for more details: 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

VES-210 Production Vacuum Exhaust & Gas Backfill System

For over two decades xtronix has been delivering unique custom systems, instruments, cryostats and vacuum components.

Our latest shipment is a Vacuum Exhaust Station (VES-210) with gas backfill capability for an EU production plant of a very large multinational instrumentation firm.

xtronix custom designs removes the burdensome task of design engineering, parts procurement, assembly, testing and final qualification. We work with trusted suppliers, often companies we actively distribute products of, leaving our customers more time to focus on their own clients and less on worrying about all the intricacies of custom designs.

Past custom designs have varied from components as vacuum feedthrough assemblies for radar or night vision devices to Pirani vacuum gauges, cryostats, sputter coating and gas blending systems.

The VES-210 pictured here can be used for production of gas-backfilled devices typically as used in X-ray collection techniques such as X-ray Fluorescence / Diffraction products, or in the manufacture of appendage ion pumps, small communication devices or other pinch-off cavities. This concept can be expanded to a VES-310, -410 or reduced to a VES-110 concept.

High vacuum is achieved by a turbo-molecular pump with a scroll backing / roughing pump.

The vacuum cycle is fully automated via a touchscreen, menu-driven controller. Vacuum and gas hardware is stainless steel throughout and the vacuum components are mostly right out of our own 88-page vacuum components catalog. The system conforms to CE norms.

Click for more!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Hermetic fiber optics are here!

Solid Sealing Technology now offers a full line of single and multimode fiber optic feedthrough adapters for ultra high vacuum!

SST's line of hermetic fiber optic adapters utilize a precision zirconia ferrule terminated to multimode or single mode (125µ OD) optical fiber. The zirconia ferrules are high temperature brazed into mating metal hardware to provide the highest reliability seal. This construction allows these connectors to be welded directly into packages or into a wide variety of flanges and fittings for easy installation.

Each product is helium leak checked to < 1x10 -10 cc/sec and optically tested before it leaves the factory to ensure performance. All SST optical feedthroughs and accessory connectors feature an industry standard UPC polish.

Click for details

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Whole body counter WBC - HPGe detector based

Whole body counter developed by Baltic Scientific Instruments is intended for location and analysis of radionuclides in human body. The system is flexible to perform analysis of nearly any part of the body like joints, lungs, thyroid, etc. Having two HPGe detectors, the system provides outstanding measurement result in terms of accuracy and measurement speed. Depending of HPGe detector type (GCD or GCDX) it is possible to cover wide energy range, which means the list of radionuclides is so big that nothing will remain without attention of the specialist.
In some cases, longer acquisition is required, therefore, the examined person has comfortable ergonomic chair to be fixed for long measurement and still feel comfortable. Hydraulic mechanism of the chair together with adjustable positioning mechanisms of detectors allow to pick up almost any point of the body for measurement, keeping the examined person relaxed.
From the point of view of the specialist (operator), the software interface remains simple and intuitive allowing to control both HPGe detectors simultaneously summing the measurement result or operating each HPGe detector separately.
After measurement is finished, the operator will be able to see use electronic version of the report or print it out with one click. Content of the report is possible to adjust according to specific needs by editing the report template.


  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis using high-resolution HPGe detectors
  • Adjustable to measure any part of the body
  • Comfortable for the examined person
  • Available with one or multiple HPGe detectors
  • Option: available with scintillation detectors like NaI, LaBr, SrI, etc.
  • Simple and intuitive software interface
  • Automatic filling station for LN2

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

CAEN 40th Year Anniversary Catalog

In just a few months, CAEN SpA will celebrate their 40th anniversary. X-TRONIX AG/SA has been privileged to share 30 of those years, going back to when FASTBUS (IEEE 960) was the computer bus standard, and originally intended to replace Computer Automated Measurement and Control (CAMAC) in high-speed, large-scale data acquisition!
Going into the 40th year of cutting-edge innovations.
We will shortly be distributing the 2019 anniversary edition of the CAEN Electronic Instrumentation Product Catalog to the Swiss customer base. Click here to download your advanced PDF copy.
You will find the index on the back, starting on page 283. It also depicts some 65 new products.
Since 2017, CAEN has become the exclusive worldwide distributor for Weeroc ASICs. X-TRONIX is here to assist you also on this exciting line of off-the-shelf programmable analog and mixed front-end ASIC chips for photon and particle detectors readout. You can see the standard range on pages 209 to 214. Also, take a peak on page 176 & 177 for the new Weeroc ASIC-based solution to readout SiPM arrays with coincidence trigger logic.
A new and recent release, the preamplifiers for Fission Chambers and Proton Recoil which earlier this year made their formal entry on the Swiss market through a team at EPFL. Details are on page 188.
To ensure your copy of the printed catalog, please drop us an email: (Swiss market only - all others please contact

Monday, June 4, 2018

DigiWaste Platform for Securing Nuclear Waste

CAEN SyS, has released World's First Digital Platform for Nuclear Waste Management.

The DigiWaste Platform is based around the RadHand 600 Pro, a handheld spectroscopic radiation detector developed for the platform. It features several major advantages in the D&D cycle that translates into cost savings, reduced operational time, improved quality assurance, enhanced ALARA, and traceability. The new DigiWaste Platform offers a novel approach to:
  • Decommissioning & Dismantling: DigiWaste Platform manages the digitization of all relevant information produced throughout the Decommissioning & Dismantling cycle and supports integration of previous or legacy data
  • Interim Storage of Nuclear Waste: DigiWaste Platform may also be adopted as an interim waste storage solution for monitoring activities and verifying waste status
  • Legacy Waste: DigiWaste Platform is a complete solution for the evaluation and management of legacy waste
  • Radioprotection: DigiWaste platform is an ideal solution for radioprotection applications at nuclear sites where periodic measurement patrols are required
These advantages are realized thanks to easy, fast, and reliable access to all the information collected at any point of the Decommissioning & Dismantling cycle of Nuclear Power Plants.

Click for more details


Friday, January 19, 2018

Bioreactor or Culture Tank Process

HORIBA proposes a comprehensive range of fluid control and analytical solutions to improve yield, increase throughput and add value to the Bio Technology Process.
We are able to provide a complete flow control system for controlling the gas mixture entering the Bioreactor or culture tank using world-renowned HORIBA mass flow controllers.
HORIBA Advanced Techno concentration monitors and products can be used for monitoring various parameters during the Bio Technology process, including pH, dissolved oxygen and concentration of the Bio reactor broth.
Bio Process Control

Friday, December 22, 2017

First Educational EasyPET for Switzerland

Positron Emission Tomography

We are very pleased to announce we have received from the Paul Scherrer Institute our first order for the Swiss market of an EasyPET educational kit by CAEN SpA. After familiarizing himself with the product, our PSI customer will use it in summer 2018 in connection with an IEEE Instrumentation School course in South Africa.
CAEN has conceived different modular Educational Kits. The set-up are all based on Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) state of-the-art sensor of light with single photon sensitivity and unprecedented photon number capability. The goal is to inspire students and guide them towards the analysis and comprehension of different physics phenomena with a series of experiments based on state-of-the art technologies, instruments and methods.

The LHC’s Five New Particles

Back to the realm of quantum physics. The science of the “small” continues to grow, thanks to work done by scientists using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN Geneva.

The LHCb experiment at CERN is a hotbed of new and outstanding physics results. In just the last few months prior to March 2017, the collaboration had announced the measurement of a very rare particle decay and evidence of a new manifestation of matter-antimatter asymmetry, to name just two examples.

In a paper released March 16, 2017 by the LHCb collaboration, they announced the discovery of a new system of five particles all in a single analysis. The exceptionality of this discovery is that observing five new states all at once is a rather unique event.

Click for the CERN web page (disponible également en français !)

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Video of New Products by CAEN SyS

Discover in image the newly emerging face of CAEN's drive into Radiation Safety & Security Systems!

Click to start the 6-minute video

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Simplified fabrication process for high-efficiency solar cells

A team of EPFL and CSEM researchers in Neuchâtel presents in Nature Energy a new astonishing method of creating crystalline solar cells with electrical contacts at the rear, suppressing all shadowing at the front. Thanks to the new inexpensive approach, the fabrication process is strongly simplified with efficiencies in the laboratory already surpassing 23%.

In the quest for more efficient crystalline silicon solar cells with low manufacturing costs, one of the most promising approach is to bring all electrical contacts at the back of the device. This suppresses all shadowing at the front, increasing the current and the efficiency. This approach generally requires several delicate processing steps, because well-defined narrow negative and positive contact lines need to be created, which will then collect the electrons (negative charges) and holes (positive charges). This requires usually several steps of masking of photolithography to create the alternated positive (+) and negative (-) areas.

Click for full details

Friday, June 23, 2017

Drone-deliverable Gamma Detectors

GLOBall system is a mapping tool based on gamma detection systems that can be easily deployed and have a fast reconstruction map of the investigated zone. If the positioning of the detectors is done using unmanned vehicles, such as drones, this will reduce the dose exposure for the in field operators from possible radiological hazards.

The equipment is based on a set of gamma detectors. Each spherical device embeds a radiological detector and an encrypted communication system in a waterproof, shockproof shell the size of a tennis ball. They are equipped with a localization system like (GPS, or embedded pseudolites for indoor localization), a data encryption system and a communication protocol (LoRA or WiFi) to  send data to the control station.

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